Do the following if you have blobs on the surface of your prints
- Adjust Z-Seam Setting
- Adjust the Retraction Distance
- Lower Printing Temperature
- Decrease Print Speed
- Increase Part Cooling
Sometimes the blobs are actually marks left when the printer finishes a layer and raises the z-axis You can change where the printer starts and stops layers in the slicer settings. Depending on the model, you can sometimes eliminate these marks by setting the Z-seam to sharpest corner.
Blobs can be caused by excess material oozing out between movements. Increase the retraction distance in increments of .5 mm and try to see if there is a distance that works best. Retraction distance is typically between .5 and 2 mm for direct drive extruders and .5 to 15 mm for bowden extruders.
Too high of a printing temperature can cause excess filament to melt and ooze out of the nozzle causing blobs. Lower the print temperature in your slicer in increments of 5 degrees.
In your slicer, find the settings for printing speed. Test out several slower speeds in increments of 10 mm/s and see if blobbing persists.
The melted filament may not be cooling fast enough. Increase the part cooling in increments of 5%.